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The Clockmaker's Inn

The house was built by Robert Caravan for Rufus Curry in 1894. Curry bought the land from local farmer Martin Gay Allison for $4,000. There were two small houses already on the property so Curry hired eight teams of oxen to move them to other parts of the town where they still stand today. The new Curry house was built in the Second Empire (French) style at a cost of $29,000.

The Hillsdale House

The 25 room Italiante mansion known as the Hillsdale House was built in 1859 for Susan Forbes Foster on land that had been the exercising ground for the garrison.

The Sinclair Inn

Situated in the heart of Annapolis Royal (formerly Port Royal) The Sinclair Inn may very well be one of the most significant heritage establishments in the town's Nationally designated historic district.

The Inn survives today as one of the very few examples of French regime Acadian construction. It is also the second oldest wood frame structure in Canada.

Charles MacDonald House

Charles MacDonald Concrete House Museum

St. Ninian's Cathedral

On June 29th, 1867 the corner stone of the church was laid and the foundation blessed by Very Rev. Dr. John Cameron. Sylvester O'Donoghue, a native Irishmen, built the Cathedral. Originally, the architect Owen Hamill was retained to design and oversee the construction of the Church but he died prematurely in 1868. As such, St. Ninian's was completed by architect A. Levesque of Montreal.

St. Patrick's Church

Catalogue info: Construction for St. Patrick's Church was begun in 1883 and the official opening took place in 1885. The stencilling, marbleizing and sponging was not applied until 1908 by the firm Rambusch Decorating Company of New York.

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