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Starratt residence

Starratt residence

Catalogue info: the house was built by Reuben Starratt (b. 1849), father-in-law of the present owner. Murals (two), Haven of Rest and one untitled in the first-floor hallway, oil on plaster. Mural Dearest Spot on Earth, first-floor hallway, oil on paper applied directly to the wall. Artist Ed Siske (b. 1880) circa 1925. Oral history reveals that in about 1925, an itinerant painter, Ed Siske, was employed to paint the woodwork in the house. On completion of the task, he requested permission to paint these murals. Mr. Siske was originally from Edinburgh where he had been a backdrop painter. Records also exist of his painting in Pictou County.

Bass River


Property Type:

Construction Details: 
Construction Date: ??-??-1925 Builder Name: Reuben Starratt
Current Owner: 
Jennie Starratt